+255 763 466 080 info@pulsans.com

Clients List

Our number one concern is the number one concern for most people and businesses; cost. We make sure that we provide quality services and original ideas to our customers at subsidized rates without compromizig quality. The satisfaction and concerns of our client is our upmost priority, creating a long-lasting relationship and partnership is key to achieving positive results.



BY 2020

We consider our clients as part and parcel of our motto to empower technology chnages in all walks of life and business.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us or find an office closest to you.


Our mission is simple providing high quality, relevant and compelling services that customers can only get from Pulsans Technology Limited www.pulsans.com

Get In Touch

  • Call : + 255 752 444 458
  • Email : info@pulsans.com
  • P.O Box : 76852
  • Web : www.pulsans.com