+255 763 466 080 info@pulsans.com


Management Information System

ShirikaPlus is a management information system (MIS) used for decision-making, and for the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an organization. In a corpo-rate setting, the ultimate goal of the use of a management in-formation system is to increase the value and profits of the business. This is done by provid-ing managers with timely and appropriate information allow-ing them to make effective de-cisions within a shorter period of time. ShirikaPlus is dynamic easy to use interface and cus-tomizable panels.
With ShirikaPlus the scope of how you manage your data is limitless, it can include the use of mobile gadgets such as;

  • Point of sale devices
  • Biometric devices
  • Card readers
  • Etc


Pharmacy Council Tanzania

Pharmacy Council Tanzania is an incredible story of how ShirikaP-lus has succesfully empowered technology changes in the insti-tution. Collection of phamarcists fees with instant receipt from GePG, validation of member ID cards, update of member profile details can all be done on site with the help of an integrated Biometric device.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us or find an office closest to you.


Our mission is simple providing high quality, relevant and compelling services that customers can only get from Pulsans Technology Limited www.pulsans.com

Get In Touch

  • Call : + 255 752 444 458
  • Email : info@pulsans.com
  • P.O Box : 76852
  • Web : www.pulsans.com